Pioneers of the Future

A Visual Exploration of Aging and Longevity in Sardinia

This project, initiated by neuroscientist Prof. Dr. Roger M. Nitsch, delves into the unique aging process of the people of Sardinia and their impact on society.

In a world where neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's are on the rise, Prof. Nitsch sought to find answers by studying those who seemed to be immune to these conditions. His research led him to the centenarians of Sardinia, where he discovered that their immune systems were able to avoid the harmful protein deposits associated with these diseases.

What started as a search for a cure became a captivating exploration of the miracles of life itself. This project goes beyond age and aging, showcasing the positive social, psychological, and economic effects of a physically and mentally healthy older generation on younger generations and society as a whole.

The project captures the essence of Sardinian life, highlighting the biological, historical, cultural, religious, and agricultural aspects that contribute to their longevity. From a white donkey breeding program to the hands of a 105-year-old member of the Melis family, the oldest family in the world, each image tells a story of resilience, connection, and the beauty of life.

The photographs, mounted on aluminum boards, are displayed as a permanent exhibition at the University of Zurich. They serve as a reminder that life is a gift, and it is up to each individual to shape their environment and make every day worth living for themselves and future generations.

This project, which began in April 2013 and was realized in Sardinia, Italy, in June of the same year, has received accolades for its unique approach to photography and storytelling. The images, captured by Karsten Thormaehlen, offer a glimpse into the lives of the Sardinian people and their extraordinary journey through aging.

Through this visual exploration, we are reminded of the importance of cherishing life and the interconnectedness of all living beings. The Pioneers of the Future exhibition serves as a testament to the power of resilience, community, and the pursuit of a life well-lived.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Karsten Thormaehlen
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer Karsten Thormaehlen, Olive tree (c. 2,000-years old), 2013. Image #2: Photographer Karsten Thormaehlen, Totoni (at age 100), holding a carnival mask, 2013. Image #3: Photographer Karsten Thormaehlen, White donkeys, mare with 5-days-old foal, 2013. Image #4: Photographer Karsten Thormaehlen, Balcony in Orotelli, Sardinia, 2013. Image #5: Photographer Karsten Thormaehlen, Hands of Consolata (at age 105), 2013.
Project Team Members: Creative Director: Guido Studer DoP: Jochen Nitsch Interpreter: Janina Nitsch Production: Federico Sedda
Project Name: Pioneers of the Future
Project Client: Karsten Thormaehlen

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